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Duck Confit


Prep Time: 10 min | Cook Time: 7 hrs 5 min | Total Time: 7 hrs 15 min



  • Duck legs (2)

  • Duck fat

  • ¾ tsp Salt

  • ¼ tsp White pepper

  • Pinch Nutmeg

  • Pinch powdered bay leaf

  • Pinch ground cloves



  1. Rub legs with seasonings and rest in fridge overnight.

  2. Place legs in small baking dish and completely submerge in duck fat. Add olive oil to completely cover if necessary.

  3. Cut out parchment paper to cover contents of dish. Cover with paper and foil or lid.

  4. Bake in oven at 210oF for 7 hours.



Option 1

  1. Preheat oven to 465 oF. Remove legs from packaging and carefully remove excess fat with paper towel.

  2. Place legs on roasting rack over a pan with 1 inch of boiling water.

  3. Roast for 40 minutes or until skin is golden brown and crispy to touch.

Option 2

Heat legs skin-side down over medium heat in frying pan until golden brown and crispy, being careful to crisp all surfaces of skin.

Option 3

Shred meat from leg. Heat oil in skillet. Add shredded meat to HOT pan, and fry for 2-3 minutes or until crispy. Flip and crisp other side for 2-3 minutes. Serve as tacos, on a salad, over rice, or how you see fit.



Crisping all of the skin in the frying pan can be difficult to do, which is why we recommend Option 1 or 3.


If using more than 2 legs, baking time may need to be increased. To determine doneness, test meat with a fork. Meat should flake easily away from the bone.

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