Almost all domestic ducks are derived from mallards with the notable exception of the Muscovy. These large, quiet birds with their warty faces are difficult to confuse with other duck breeds.
Taxonomically speaking, the Muscovy is not closely related to the dabbling and diving ducks of North America, which belong to the genus Anis. Muscovy are the only members of the genus Cairina. They exhibit a weird amalgam of avian traits in that they have the posture of a duck, hiss like a goose, and prefer to perch like a chicken. They exhibit an extreme degree of sexual dimorphism in which males can be almost twice the size of females.
Muscovy Personality
In the wild, the Muscovy is a shy and reclusive species, with rare glimpses of iridescent feathers disappearing into the forest being the common field mark. As a domestic and feral species, Muscovy are extremely calm and very nearly silent. Because of their perching behavior, they are often less susceptible to predators than other duck breeds, who exemplify the "sitting duck" expression to a T. When crowded, it is not uncommon for growing Muscovy to pick feathers from each other, which seems to be a stress response related to rearing conditions.
Muscovy as Meat Birds
This is a great breed for those interested in a sustainable meat source. Males easily attain an 8lb carcass in 15 weeks on pasture, while females come in at about half that at 4lbs. The meat is different from other duck breeds and is more similar to wild Greater White-fronted Goose, or "Specklebelly" geese, as they are commonly called by hunters. The meat is very steak-like, dark, and tender, and when cooked with the skin on and rendered properly, taste similar to a filet with a slice of bacon on top.